Monday 8 September 2014

Pom-pom curtain edging upgrade

I bought some pom-pom edging type stuff from Craft and more in Bristol a while back with the intention of using it to jazz up my curtains. But actually I just looked it up on Amazon and I feel like a prize twat because it's much cheaper here. Whatever, that's life I guess.

Aside from that edging stuff I just used some scissors and thread and a sewing machine and all that. Seriously though what is that pom-pom edge stuff called because whenever I type edging I can't help but think about that thing where you masturbate but stop before you orgasm. It's supposed to hold in your Chi or some shit, whatever that is. And before you start thinking I'm a freaky sex deviant it was on Orange Is The New Black alright.

So here were my curtains before, big yawn right?

With this edging you just need to pin and sew it straight to the outside edge of your curtain. But unless you want to sew the edge onto both sides of the curtain, be careful which side you sew it to.

Just in care you're a complete idiot, here is a helpful diagram to help you figure out which sides to sew it to.

Be careful though cos this stuff is thin as fuck and those little pom-pom bastards can get in your way. But I mean other than that there's not much else to it besides enjoying living in a bohemian paradise.

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