Friday 12 September 2014

Tobacco Pouch DIY Part 2: Faux leather version

So like a week ago I made this fabric tobacco pouch as part of an ongoing effort to design more of my own stuff rather than using other peoples patterns or tutorials or whatever. But I wasn't really happy with it. In truth, it was a bit shit, wasn't it?

But Captain Perseverance came to the rescue and I gave it another bash. This time it's made out of sturdy faux leather and doesn't have a lining, making it about a million times easier. 

I used the same dimensions as last time - you want a 15 cm x 22 cm rectangle and you fold it 8 cm from the edge.

Here's mine all sewed up and stuff. The fake leather doesn't really fray so you can get right in there with your seam allowance and it makes for a cleaner fold later on.

Since I was just trimming the top flap rather than having a seam or hem or whatever, I folded it in half before I cut it so then if it was fucking awful, at least it would be symmetrically fucking awful.

Then all you need to do is sew the hair band or elastic or whatever you're using onto the bottom edge. I really can't be arsed to explain it all again so refer to my original post if you're not sure what I'm on about.

And that's it, you don't have to fuck around with lining or any of that bullshit.

Also, if you're feeling lazy but rich and just want to buy one that I've made, you can get them here on my brand new shiny Etsy store. Currently it's the only thing I'm actually stocking... but you know, you've got to start somewhere :)

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