Monday 15 September 2014

The vintage pattern selector - retro pyjamas

I got this bad ass book from Waterstones last week on a bit of an impulse. I historically don't get on very well with sewing clothes, but what the hell. Practice makes perfect right?

This book comes with 15 patterns on a CD. Books like this always describe these patterns as 'free', but have you ever actually printed one out? Even small things use up twenty thousand sheets of fucking paper somehow. And I don't even have a printer. Or a computer with a CD drive. What was I thinking? I ended up 'borrowing' my brothers laptop and printer when he was at work - sorry bro!

I decided to make some pyjamas because I figured that even if what I made looked fucking awful, at least I would still be able to use it. Most of my pyjamas and general lazing around clothes look fucking awful anyway.

I got some awesome cowboy fabric from Fabric Land in Bristol, because why the fuck not. Funny story: When I was buying this, the girl cutting it asked me what I was making, so obviously I told her pyjamas. Thing was, she assumed that I was making pyjamas for a child. My own child, specifically. She started asking me about my fictional child and obviously I couldn't then admit that the pyjamas were actually for me look like a weirdo. So did what an actual weirdo would have done, and told her a bunch of bullshit about my fictional son who loves cowboys. 

But the upshot of it is that I now have some awesome retro cowboy print PJ's

Check me out man, takin selfies like Kim Kardashian!

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