Wednesday 3 September 2014

Tobacco pouch DIY

Yeah yeah yeah, smoking is terrible for you and disgusting or whatever, I know. It also feels great and looks super cool btw, but you don't hear me banging on about it. 

For the last few years I've kept my tobacco and rolling paraphernalia together with a hair band., which surprisingly, isn't actually that practical. You always end up loosing something in your bag, and also it looks trampy as fuck. To make this pouch I used a hair band and a few scraps of fabric. 

I used some squared pattern paper to measure my tobacco and make my pouch pattern. I made mine just under three times as long as my tobacco pouch, and added 2 cm seam allowance. It ended up being a 15 cm x 22 cm rectangle, see what I mean about scraps?

I bought this dope ass ÄLGÖRT fabric from our Swedish design overlord friends at IKEA last time I was there. But you need such a small amount of fabric, you could probably just cut it out of a shirt or something if you wanted to be Super Captain Economical.

This pink lining fabric is something I've had lying around leftover since my year 13 textiles coursework about 7 years ago. I told you I was a hoarder. But really, does anyone know, what is the actual difference between proper lining fabric and regular fabric? Except that lining fabric is shit and frays like a motherfucker? Whatever I usually just use regular fabric for lining because I'm just a fucking rouge who doesn't play by the rules.

You only need two rectangles, one for the outside and one for the lining. You need to fold both pieces of fabric over (wrong side outside) about 8 cm from one of the shorter sides and sew along each side.

You should have two little pouches. Now cut the corners off the bottom of them for a cleaner corner later when they get turned the right way around.

Turn the outer fabric the right way out, but leave the lining fabric inside out. Now put the outer fabric inside the lining fabric pouch.

Next you need to pin the tops of the pouches together like this. I know in the photo the outer fabric isn't inside the lining fabric, but that's only because I only figured out that would be much easier until after I'd done it, because I'm a fucking moron. Anyway whatever sew that shit up.

Starting to look pretty fucking A right? Next we gotta sew up the seam along the top, of what will eventually be the flap. But you want to leave yourself a hole to turn it the right way out, so just sew along one side and the top and leave the other side. Also you can see my edge is wonky as fuck, so if you're incapable to cutting or sewing straight lines like I am, now is a good time to trim and straighten the edge. 

Now it's time for the really fucking annoying part - turning it out the right way. Trim the fuck out of those seams to make your life easier. 

Ten hours of poking fabric through a one inch hole later, and it's the right way out. Turn the edges of your little hole in and pin it before hand sewing closed.

My granny always called this a 'sleeper stitch', but she was also a crazy but awesome old lady who used to say that she remembered being born, so I feel like that might have just been the term she made up for it.

All we have left is sewing on the hair band. I folded the bottom edge in half and stuck in a pin in to mark the middle.

As I am very helpfully demonstrating in this picture, the hair band needs to be sewn at a right angle to the bottom of the pouch.

If you're a better sewer than me (so everyone then yeah?) then maybe you could figure out a way to do this on your machine, probably before you sew the side seams even. But I can't do that so whatever I just hand sewed it on like a bunch of times so it wouldn't break.  

But now it's done! Just fill with your tobacco and enjoy being more awesome than everyone else.

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