Tuesday 12 August 2014

Black stars lampshade DIY

I would apologise for not posting in a while, but I've been sick so go fuck yourself.
I customised an IKEA paper lampshade ages ago, but it's getting tatty as shit and those plain white lampshades cost like nothing. Seriously anybody who pays more than a fiver for a lampshade is a fucking moron. This DIY only requires a lampshade, tissue paper, scissors and glue. Just like Pritt stick or whatever will do.

This regolit lampshade is £2.25 from IKEA. Side note: if I was a designer for IKEA I would name all the furniture rude shit in Swedish. I just looked it up, and boobs in Swedish is bröst, which I think we can all agree would be a great name for a dining room set.

Here it is in all it's pre-customised glory.

I drunk-bought this stack of tissue paper ages ago on Amazon (god damn you one-click purchase) for fuck knows what. You can get it here but to be honest I didn't even use 10% of what I had so it's probably not worth buying this set specifically unless you can think of some other shit to do with it. And if you do, please let me know because I'm a chronic hoarder and I'll probably own this until the day I die unless I think of something to do with it.

I wanted black stars (because I still haven't grown out of my rocker phase) so I used a white pencil to draw some on the paper so I could cut out a bunch at the same time. But I mean you could cut whatever shape you wanted. I even thought pretty seriously about doing red hearts instead, but my light bulb is red and my room is super girly anyway, and you know, I want to get laid at some point in the future. And not by someone with a Lolita fixation.

Wooooo stars. When I had them all cut out I just glued them onto the lampshade. If you're using different sized stars (or whatever shape you went with - I hope it was a penis shape!) I'd recommend doing the bigger ones first and then fill in the gaps with smaller ones. It's paper-on-paper so should stick pretty easily, but you might need to re do the corners and stuff.

Also, unless you're a fucking giant, bear in mind that you'll be mainly look at this from below and not from the side which is probably how you're looking at it when you're sticking the little buggers on.

There you go, piece of piss right?

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