Tuesday 26 August 2014

Glue the thing to the other thing DIY part 2

I've still been trying to figure out what the fuck to do with the rest of the 100 plastic daisies I drunk-bought on amazon a while ago. Seriously, even after this I still have at least 70, I might have to start sticking them to lampposts or something just to get rid of the little fuckers. 

But anyway I had this plain black frame lurking around my house for ages that I'm 99% sure is from IKEA because I love IKEA and buy everything there. I've been using it to hold a picture of me and my friends back before life repeatedly punched us in the face.

So the frame is fine, but just a bit boring really. Time to glue some shit to that other shit. I used this very high tech, state of the art £4.43 glue gun from Amazon, and the plastic daisies I spoke about before.

If you start with the corners and then divide the sides into sections before filling in, you're much more likely to get evenly spaced daisies.

Easy right? I love how 90's it is, considering that photo was taken in 1998, and that inexplicably 90's stuff is super fashionable now. Does that make me fashionable? For being actually alive in a coherent, memory forming way during the 90's? Probably that makes me less cool and fashionable actually. 
Whatever, bitches. Peace out.

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