Wednesday 20 August 2014

Plastic bag yarn DIY

Okay, so I had about a million plastic bags lurking in one of my cupboards, that I have literally never used. If you're one of those people who has the foresight to think "Oh I'm going shopping so I'd better take a plastic bag with me to re-use and be all environmentally conscious or whatever", then I commend you. Even if it does make you an insufferable little goody-goody. Anyway, I've come to accept that I'm never going to be that person.

I thought I'd make some yarn out of it, then I could knit or crochet it into something. Not clothes obviously, but like tote bags or storage baskets or something. I haven't decided yet. 

All you need for this is a shit ton of plastic bags, scissors, and obviously the ability to do something with it afterwards, otherwise you're just making yourself some plastic string and that would be fucking dumb.

If you lay out a plastic bag, usually you'll see that they're like folded under at the sides on the bottom.

But if you cut a thin strip from the bottom, you can fold it out.

Here it is folded out with the cut bottom seam.

Next you cut the bag into strips, which you can tie together and wind into a ball.

Boom! One on the left made with ASDA bags, one on the right made of Sainsbury's bags. I do my main shop at ASDA, and only buy wine and cigarettes from the Sainsbury's local by my work. Clearly I've got my priorities in order right?

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