Tuesday 26 August 2014

Spray painting the fuck out of a bunch of shit

So there are a few bits and pieces I've been meaning to spray paint for a while now.  Mainly because spray painting is literally the funnest kind of painting you can do. The least funnest kind of painting, if you're interested, is varnishing or staining wood, especially if you're required to sand it first. Eugggghhh so terrible. 

I originally bought this cute teeny tiny chrome paint for £3.45 from Wilko, but definitely don't buy this unless you only want to paint like one thing because this will last about twenty seconds.

This one is more expensive at £4.95 (also from Wilko) but it's a million times bigger and literally exactly the same as the small posh sort. Don't let the shitty colour on the cap fool you, it's awesome.

As I said I had a bunch of stuff that I wanted to paint but it was mainly a mirror, a waste paper basket, and a bunch of plastic storage boxes. Lets start with the mirror since it was the biggest pain in the arse as it was the only one that required preparation of any sort.

I bought this mirror for £5 in a charity shop when I was about 17, and I've been lugging it around with me ever since. The frame was cream when I got it, but because I've moved house about 10 times since then, it's all chipped and scuffed and looks like shit.

Ideally you want to use masking tape and newspaper to cover the mirror part of your mirror if you're going to paint the frame, unless your fancy pants frame detaches from the mirror, in which case definitely do that and save yourself some hassle. 

Anyway I didn't have masking tape or newspaper in my house, so I used regular sellotape and old copies of Heat magazine. It worked pretty much the same, except the sellotape was harder to get off the mirror afterwards. P.S. Please don't judge me for reading Heat magazine.

And here it is afterwards, lookin all fly. And in case you were wondering, yes, that is a pink unicorn onesie hanging next to it.

Next was the waste paper basket, here it is before I painted it. I was originally aiming to go for a kind of ombre look, but as you can see it came out terrible and I had to paint the entire thing.

It's the worst!

Not quite so terrible!

Here it is looking futuristic as fuck in the corner of my bedroom like a robots lav.

Lastly we have the storage boxes. See those ugly as hell blue and green boxes under the sofa? Those were the ones I wanted to paint. The blue ones weren't *too* bad, but the green ones looked fucking grim. When I was 18, I spent a night in Reflex drinking pitchers of this luminous green cocktail probably called 'The Hulk' or something equally moronic. Anyway, the next morning my shit was the exact same shade of green as those storage baskets. That morning was pretty hungover and terrible, so it's not something I particularly want to be reminded of on a daily basis 7 years later. I only bought them because they were cheap as fuck from Wilkos, being £2.50 and £2.00 for multi-packs. Time to paint that shit.

The paint came out really nice on the plastic actually, and it was all shiny like tinfoil. I'm still sort of paranoid that it's going to chip off, but I had a good go with a fingernail and it seems pretty permanent.

Here they are being all metal-y and looking cool against my black rug.

So find yourself something to spray paint that isn't a brick wall, yeah?

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